What is the best method of measuring moves? Do you have to get the measuring sticks or the compass?
There are no spaces or hexes in Pub Battles. The pieces just move. How far? There is an indicator on the terrain effects chart.
So you need to measure this with something. These are the main options:
You could just use a ruler. Or cut out a piece of paper/cardboard in the exact length. We’ve even used marked strings before. All of these can work fine.
Measuring Sticks
The Kickstarter version came with these for free.
They are NOT included in the game now!
In some ways, I like these better. The stickers denote 1/3 moves. (If you place them right) This makes it handy to account for terrain costs and formation changes.
These are a splurge. You gage them off the Terrain Effects chart. Not quite as convenient or fast as the sticks. They have a wonderful, period, tactile feel. Talk about emersion into the time period. That is the way it was really done.
No, you don’t need them but there is something really cool about using them. Here is a blog on using them from a backer. His aren’t as pretty. You do have to be careful that the sharp points don’t damage the map. It’s not too hard though. Just don’t grind them in.