Battle of the Bulge -scale

What scale of units works best for Battle of the Bulge?

Well it’s a cold snowy day in December.  Christmas is just around the corner.  The perfect time to have a cup of hot tea and work on our new Battle of the Bulge game!

This is just a crude, graphics / color test;  not the final game.  We do have the map scale and scope worked out.  I’m wondering what size of pieces work best for this map?

Each piece represents a Division.  These blocks are half Pub Battles size:  1″ x 3/8″.  The Germans are represented with the correct starting OB here.  The Allied forces are not!  I just put a few random blocks down on the map for a reference.

Our other option is to use small Kriegsspiel sized blocks.  These are about half the size of the big ones above:  1/2″ x 1/4″.


Of course the Allied blocks would be sized down to match the Germans.

Which would work best for the game?  Leave us a comment!


14 thoughts on “Battle of the Bulge -scale”

  1. Would the smaller kriegspiel pieces still represent divisions as do the Pub Battle size pieces? The smaller pieces have the advantage of avoiding confusing placement on the map ( is that unit in a forest or just alongside? Is this unit straddling a river or on one bank or the other?) and would probably offer flexibility in strategizing offensive and defensive operations.

    On the other hand, the larger style pieces would have the advantage of easier handling ( physically moving the pieces around the map) and would allow more informational details to be printed on each piece ( or larger imagery).

    I think I’d vote for the smaller, kriegspiel format.

  2. I agree with Jeff’s points, but my conclusion is that I’d rather use the larger size. My experience with Pub Battles leads me conclude that Jeff’s concerns
    about terrain are easily resolved (if there is a question about occupation, just state your intention).

    The larger pieces are easier to read (actually a minor point as there is less specific info needed on each piece in Pub Battles), but the big one to me is that they weigh more and are less likely to get jostled around. Careful as one might be, maps get jostled.

  3. PLEASE, PLEASE, tell me where I can get the game, map, and pieces listed above. It’s exactly what I’m looking for.

  4. I think I changed my mind on rereading the post. The half size blocks are probably small enough. just not the full, regular size PB blocks.

    When is this coming out?

    • Yes, IF we go with mini style movement. We are testing an area movement approach with a game on the Fall of Berlin. If that goes well, we might switch to that.

      • For something like this I would strongly consider it. Area movement doesn’t work as well for linear battles of course. But for modern battles with lots of mobile units, yes.

        • Yes! Very much leaning this way. We have a map laid out with areas. We have a turn sequence and overall system. We have an OB, pieces and reinforcements.

          We are finding that the PB combat resolution isn’t working here. We are working through the math now, building up a new combat system from scratch. Once that is done, it should wrap up very quickly. Most everything else is ready to go. In fact, we already have a game ready to go on the same system for the Fall of Berlin too. This should be really cool once we get the combat sorted out.

    • We’ve been kind of stuck between 2 different systems. Should this be a mini movement type game? Or should it have hexes / areas?

      Should it be more 2 player or should it be more adaptable to multi player?

      Should it be just the Ardennes area, or should we cover all the ground up to the coast also? That way we could release pieces and a scenario later for a France 1940 scenario. It could also allow the Germans the option of launching the Bulge Offensive up north at the British.

  5. I would model the game off of those fantastic ziplock bag games of the late 70s and 80s . Small like the Ancients game set up being minutes , play time 30min or more . Release different “pocket ” style battles . Then Go for the ” La Grand Battle” much bigger map better unit representation and detail for those who want that “Classic archair general effect” .

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