Scenario Updates

We are working on Scenario Updates to better fit the 3.0 rules.  A couple of the scenarios will need new stickers and a few extra blocks.  We are putting together Scenario Update kits for this.  You will be able to add these on to orders for FREE!!  We’ll post these on our Products page as they are ready.

Pub Battles 3.0

Reactions to the New Pub Battles Rules

The new rules are out!  All the new games are shipping with them.  You can get an updated copy by emailing the company and asking for a pdf.  What’s new?

There are a few little tweaks and refinements to the main rules.  Nothing big.  The basic game is essentially the same.


The Fog-of-War has gotten a huge upgrade.  The Hidden Reserve rules are now standard.  They are also much easier to use.  The HQ marks the exact location of the hidden troops.  The old way was confusing and open to all kinds of abuse.  This is clear and it works. 

There are new units:  1 step Detachments.  These vastly increase the deception.  What are those 2 blocks sitting back there?  Elite Guards, waiting to pounce at the right time?  Or just a couple of Detachments faking me out?  Hmmmm…..  

These two rules together raise the uncertainty bar.  How close is the enemy to breaking?  How many reserves do they have left?  Will one more good assault do it?  You can only wonder.  Perfect!!

This is what it looks like to the enemy but what is there?


The biggest change is Victory.  The Baggage Trains are key.  As your troops fight, they become spent.  Only Baggage Trains can Rally them back to fresh.  Here’s the catch:  Baggage Trains can’t Rally until they Unpack.  What’s the big deal about that?  Unpacked Baggage Trains can’t move.  Even worse:  if they get sacked, it’s battle over.  You lose.  Yeah, it just got real. 

Basically, they are like mobile VP locations, except you lock them into place.  We need to take that hill.  Why?  Because the game designer says we have to.  It’s worth a lot of points.  No!  Because we think the enemy has unpacked their baggage behind it.  If we can take that, we win!

YOU decide when and where to set these ‘VPs’ down.  In order for your troops to fight effectively, they need unpacked baggage.  As soon as you do this, it becomes a target.  It is a double edged sword. 

The ramifications are immense.  Where do you make a stand?  What line do you think you can hold?  Where do you need the baggage trains to support that?  If you unpack too far forward, you won’t be able to protect them.  On the other hand, the sooner you unpack, the sooner you can start rallying your troops and the better you will be able to protect them. 

I find myself thinking like a real commander with these new rules.  Where is the enemy?  What are they doing?  Can we beat them?  Do we even want to fight a battle here?  Where do we form a line?  Where can we hold?  How can we shatter their line to win?  Where is their baggage?  When do we throw in the towel and give up?  You’ll be asking yourself all these questions over and over again because the battlefield results will be constantly changing the answers.  What now?!  What does this mean?  How does it impact our plan?  Do we continue to press forward or is it time to reassess?    

These very simple rules turn Pub Battles into a very deep, strategic game of position, maneuver and planning.  The results are astounding. 

Top 4 Reasons Why Wargames Are Better with More Luck

1)  It is more realistic.  Like it or not, that is the way the real world works.  You want your wargame to be more realistic right?  There ya go. 

2) More tense, more excitement, more fun.  People don’t flock to play Chess like they do to the Casinos do they?

3) It makes the wargames more accessible to new players.  Yes, you hate it when you play better and some new guy, that made lots of mistakes beats you because of luck.  Well, so what?  That’s life.  It happens in real war.  So let the new guy enjoy a cheap win.  Why not?  You still had a fun time playing an interesting, historical strategy game and learning a few things.    

Look at this from the new guys perspective.  Would you like to play a new game where you are 100% guaranteed to always lose for the first 40 games while you are learning it?  Doesn’t sound like fun to me.  We complain about shrinking numbers in our hobby.  Why is it so hard to find new players?  Well, gee.  Maybe if the hobby was a little more welcoming to new comers, it would get better.  Even if you are very nice, losing EVERY time is not welcoming.

More luck opens up more opportunity for new guys to actually win.  This is a good thing! 

4) It teaches you good, real world, command/leadership skills.  In the real world, things often go wrong too.  Many things are out of your control.  Murphy’s law.  Do you ever see problems come up at work?  Things that break and go wrong when they shouldn’t?  The schedule gets completely blown out?  Sure.  It doesn’t do any good to complain about the odds or explain about how that should have never happen.

What can you do?  What do you do now?  How well can you react?  Did you have a contingency plan?  Why not?  That is what the best leaders do!  It is a big part of what made Napoleon so fast and devastating.  (Not that he just had a big + combat modifier.)  Plan for things possibly going wrong.  Look for new opportunities to exploit now that things did go wrong.  When one door shuts, new ones open up.  Learning to live with and manage luck, trains you to be a better leader in real life.                      

Gettysburg Game Review

There are probably over a hundred board games on the Battle of Gettysburg, so why another. Well that is exactly the point.

The game we will be looking at is an adaptation, or a descendant, of the original Kriegspiel. The game information will have to come second to perhaps fulfillment of a long time dream.

A Wargamer’s Needful Things -By Robert Peterson

This is a picture of a ‘light pull chain’ defending a valley, and in the mid 1960’s to me it was state of the art for wargaming. I collected every one I could to add to my growing army of them. As you can see, with the bed covers formed just so, you can create any terrain you want. You can also form your army units (chains) in any shape possible. They can also represent any army from ancient times to the 20th century. They can be armed with firearms or sword and shield; it does not matter. Why, you ask, am I bringing this up? Because I have been looking for a game that reminds me of wargaming with my chains, and I think I finally have one in Pub Battles: Gettysburg. To be more exact, I think all of the Pub Battles games will do. So, on to the game.

 The Pub Battle games all have a few things in common. First, they are relatively easy with only about four pages of rules. Second, they do a good job of showing how units had to march and fight historically. Third, they are beautiful beyond compare. The maps are all period ones that have been enhanced by Command Post Games to be easier for players to use. The map not only looks good, it actually feels good. You wouldn’t be surprised to see it come out of a museum case. It is rolled up when you receive it, however it flattens right out without adjusting or counter-folding by the player. The map is more of a time machine than just a wargaming map. It allows your mind to wander when playing so you actually believe that you have Hood, Hancock, and Meade around the table with you. The counters, while really only wooden rectangles, have the same effect. Once they are on the map it feels like von Moltke is in a chair nearby looking on approvingly. 

 This is what comes in the game tube:

Pub Battles Rulebook 
Pub Battles Gettysburg Rulebook
Six small die and one large (all six sided)
24″x24″ Paper map (you can order a canvas map, and per 
  Command Post Games one is being used in a museum exhibit)
Six small Light Chain Pulls (coincidence?) to be used to calculate
  Rates of March. You can also get wooden ones.
Black and Gray rectangular, and square blocks 
Myriad of stickers for the above

 I will post this write up from Command Post Games:

  • Units realistically sprawl out in road column, resulting in delays, snaking and traffic snarls.
  • Baggage Trains add to the traffic and congestion problems. They have to be protected but also need to be kept close to the action to properly supply the troops.
  • Realistic, chaotic move sequence. Your troops don’t move when you want them to. You don’t know when exactly when your troops or the enemy will move. As the commander, you can only try to speed them up or slow them down. If that fails, you have to react quickly with contingency planning.
  • Chaotic move sequence also results in massive re-playability. You will never see a game open and develop the same way twice. However the timing works out, you must adapt to the situation at hand.
  • Realistic Fog of War: blocks hide exact unit strength and type. You can also hide your reserves off board. This forces players to realistically screen and probe. You can never be certain as to how close you are to breaking the enemy. Are they out of reserves or can they still reinforce their line? Where are they strong? Are they massing for a counter attack?
  • The detailed narrative generated by the tense game play makes for great solitaire games.
  • Combat and movement models are based on accurate, military, combat data from the period: Kriegsspiel.
  • Optional rules for multiplayer team play.
  • Optional written orders are both fun, easy to implement and very realistic. These are great to use with multiplayer teams. They also greatly enhance solitaire games.
  • Sophisticated and deep strategy. There are tons of decisions to make every turn. Every one of them must be weighed against possible advantages / disadvantages to you and the enemy. Players must consider how the timing of moves will impact other commands and the enemy. 

 The game looks to be easy, but that is deceptive. The addition of the different optional rules make it both deeper and more historical. Please one favor though, rules lawyers do not apply. This is a game where you and your opponent will need to be gentlemen and come to agreements over movement and the battles. The one thing about this game is that it will get crowded with pieces in different places. On a Gettysburg map that is going to be the ‘fish hook’. The rules are very clear, but because of the compression effects on the units it sometimes gets a little hazy as to exact unit placement. When that happens, it can either be a rules fight fest or a friendly compromise on the issues that may arise. Remember that its forbearer Kriegspiel did have umpires. 

 There are probably over a hundred board games on the Battle of Gettysburg, so why another. Well that is exactly the point. It has never had the Command Point Games treatment. So, even an old jaded campaigner will look at the battle through fresh eyes. The game is simple, but in its own way it brings to life the problems of command in that era. The price point for the game is not cheap. However, were you to be able to hold the components in your own hands and feel the quality, you would immediately understand. There are a lot of stickers that need to be applied, so keep that in mind. They are also harder to apply correctly on the rectangles than when you are putting stickers on a block game. Someone who is a stickler (sorry) for having things just so will need extra time and more patience than usual with setting up this game. 

 Gettysburg allows you to play all three days as separate games, or a campaign with night turns. You also get three what-if scenarios. First, Jackson was not killed at Chancellorsville. Second, Jackson was wounded at Chancellorsville, but arrives in time for the battle. Third, J.E.B. Stuart is present at the opening of the festivities. Victory conditions are cut and dried. A Player receives one Victory Point for every enemy piece destroyed. The player with the most points wins. There are a few Gettysburg only rules. These are:

Treat all creeks as Streams.
All Cavalry are dragoons: they roll only 2 dice.
Both Confederate and Federal HQs have a rating of 3.

 This is the sequence of play:

1. Place all Command Chits in a cup.
2. Pull a Command Chit randomly from the cup.
3. Move pieces from that Command
4. Repeat Steps 2 & 3 until cup is empty.
5. Resolve Combat between all enemy pieces in contact.
6. Start a new Turn.

 So, how does it play? It is a lot of fun, and strangely very deep, in a very historical way. With the game being a chit pull one, you will never know what to expect to be able to do or what your opponent can do. The main rule to keep in mind is listed in bold “Move where the majority of the piece can fit”. The piece is in one type of terrain: the type under the ” majority of the piece”. HQ pieces move first and then you determine command ranges There is an optional rule where Baggage Trains can be added. These really add to the historical flavor especially in their uncanny ability to clog roads. The designers suggest that after you get the rules down to add ‘Optional Hidden Reserves’ to the mix. For example, the pieces of a corps if in reserve would be hidden in their HQ unit. As long as the HQ unit is not spotted by the enemy they can lay in wait like a rattler waiting to pounce. To find an entire corps pop up over a ridge that seemed safe is extremely disconcerting. There are also rules on multi-player with special rules dealing with teams that try to cheat, so beware. Thank you Command Post Games for allowing me to review this almost hidden gem of a game.

Check out the full review here.

Supremacy -Mercenaries and Legionaries

Mercenaries and Legionaries. Do you have any plans to put this back out?


Boy, am I glad to see this game back on the market!!!

Thank you, guys!

Say, I used to have an expansion deck-box called: Mercenaries and Legionares. Do you have any plans to put this back out?






Thank you!  Glad you found us. 

We have gone through all the old expansion material, things covered by mercenaries, warlords, pirates, merchant marine, etc.  and completely revamped them.   We’ve taken the best parts and reorganized them into a new line of expansions.  What we have now works incredibly well. 

I highly recommend the Minors with the new Fortuna.   The Minors gives all the neutral areas forces.  Fortuna brings them to life with their own actions.  The result is absolutely amazing!!  Minors will build and get aggressive on their own.  They will seize companies in their country and even invade their neighbors to seize their companies.  This makes the game feel like the real world. 

Rising Crescent adds a Terrorist player that can build terror forces anywhere on the globe.  They can launch suicide, pirate attacks and even steal nuclear weapons.

The expansion with Subs accounts for the merchant marines and allows players to target resource transportation at sea.

We have 1 more expansion planned that will allow players to influence, control and manipulate minors.  Also covering unconventional forces.  Things like Coups, Civil Wars, assassinations, etc.       

Waterloo OB

Calling all Waterloo experts!

We’ve been having many people ask us for a Waterloo Kriegsspiel set.  The map graphics are done and ready to go.  The big hold up is the time to put together a detailed and accurate OB.

That got me to thinking.  Why reinvent the wheel?  Wargamers are an incredible resource of information and expertise.  I bet many of you already have this information at your fingertips, ready to go. 

If you do, please, send it to us and help us get this ready to roll sooner.

Why?  What’s in it For You?

  • You’ll get to have it sooner. 
  • We’ll give you credit in the rules. 
  • Free stuff!  We’ll also cut you in on free product, commensurate with your contribution.  Get us most the info first, and we’ll send you a free copy of the map (paper), pieces and stickers for a Waterloo Kriegsspiel.  Help us proof and adjust for accuracy and we’ll send you coupon codes to get it for a discount.   

What We Need

We need a detailed OB for the battle going down to the 450 man unit.  Kriegsspiel calls them “Half Battalions”.  I find that in the American Civil War, this usually translates into Regiments.  Regardless what they are called, we are looking for approximately 450 units.  Cavalry usually goes down to 150 man squadrons.  Depending on the numbers involved, we sometimes bump this up.

How ?

Put this together into a spreadsheet.  Please use this format as an example:

Brandy Station Confederate OB KS

Send it to us in an email. 

I’ll compile and post the first draft here.  That way, we can get lots of eyes on it for corrections and adjustments.  If you see something that needs to be changed, please comment below.   



Marines at Brandywine

What?!  Marines at Brandywine?  Yes!!

Teachers at military schools around the world are now using Pub Battles in the class room for training. 

Many hobbyists enjoy the Pub Battle series as a fast and simple board game.  Don’t let the short rule book fool you.  This game system is a serious model of military conflict.

Rather than focusing on the detailed complexity of comparing unit morale and weapon systems, Pub Battles focus on command decisions in a chaotic and unpredictable battlefield.

Though it functions well as a two player game, it was originally designed for multiplayer use:  cooperative teamwork with limited communications.  A perfect platform for training groups in a classroom.   

D. O’Connel has been using Brandywine to train Marine facilitators and school staffs in training workshops at Pendleton, Parris Island, Lejeune, and elsewhere.

We are currently working with him to design a game specifically made for classroom training with the USMC.

O’Connell also runs a great facebook page:  The Warfighting Society


Bio Information

D. O’Connell is a military historian, world-recognized teacher of decision games, and Senior Learning and Development Consultant for the Cognitive Performance Group. From 2012-2016, he led the efforts of Marine Corps University’s Case Method Project to institutionalize the case method at The Basic School (TBS), the Marine Corps’ school for newly commissioned and appointed officers. His duties at TBS included developing decision-forcing cases (DFCs), regularly teaching DFCs to students and staff, and conducting workshops for students and staff on DFC development and facilitation. O’Connell also served as the project’s lead for all work with the Infantry Officer Course, the Schools of Infantry, and the Fleet Marine Force.

O’Connell’s DFCs, in addition to seeing extensive use at TBS, have been integrated into the curriculum of several Marine Corps courses, including the Infantry Small Unit Leaders Course at both Schools of Infantry and the Sergeants Course, which runs at each of the six Staff Non-commissioned Officer Academies.

Outside of his work with the Marine Corps,O’Connell has presented multiple times at the Royal Norwegian Naval Academy, the Swedish Defence University, the Finnish National Defence University, the Estonian National Defence College, the Baltic Defense College, the US Naval Academy, and the FBI National Academy, among others.


Pub Battles -Experimental

By now, Austerlitz was supposed to be out.  Ancient Pub Battles was supposed to be out.  Germantown should be on the cusp of being released and 1st & 2nd Manassas should be ready for summer.  What’s the hold up?  Rules!!!

Before all of these new releases, we wanted to clarify and adjust a few things in the rules.  We figured this would be a 1-2 week process.  Wow were we off.  Instead it developed into a raging and fierce debate among the design team and play testers.  Months later, we are still at an impasse.

A play tester proposed a new approach to combat.  This new method seemed to resolve many issues we were wrestling with, while simplifying and clarifying the rules to boot.  Devout factions have now formed for and against this new proposal.  Some love it.  Some hate it.  What should we do?

We would greatly appreciate input on this.  Would you like to help us resolve this?  We need more eyes on it.

I don’t want to lay out the details here in advance as that can bias and color your reception of the idea.  Here’s how you can help:

  1.  Download the new proposed rules here.  This is only a proposal.  This is NOT the official Pub Battles 3.0 update.  This is also a first rough draft.  Expect formatting errors. 
  2. Print them out and play at least 3 complete Pub Battles games with the new rules.  Try to keep an open mind.  We all naturally resist any and all change at first.  We are hard wired that way.  You won’t like these at first just because they are different than what you are used to.  It will seem strange and awkward.  From my experience, it gets easier once your mind adjusts.  It is not bad, just different.
  3. Give us some feedback by answering the following questions in comments below.  You can send us a direct email if you prefer and feel free to add any other comments you may have.


  1. Do you like this approach better than the previous edition?
  2. Do you like this approach better than the original edition?  (no FoE restrictions)
  3. Is this proposal consistent with the original Pub Battles concept?  Simple, quick and realistic.
  4. Does this approach add more or less complexity?
  5. Does this approach make the game less fun, intense, or enjoyable?
  6. Does this approach make the game take longer to play?  (once you are used to it)






First Impressions: Pub Battles Gettysburg

So how is this new Gettysburg game?  Is it any good?  What is it like?  Here are some initial reactions from Mark:



I have been discussing ideas with Mike, but I have only played with the rules as written – and then the last couple times with the Baggage Train idea of 1 unit per Train rallying.  That rule, by the way, really improves the game for my tastes!


Overall, I enjoy the game very much.  I think it handles Day 1 as well or better than any other Gettysburg game I have played.  It unfolds in a historically plausible manner, is fast paced, and leads to plenty of solid, difficult decisions for both sides.  The PB system is responsible for a lot of that.  The random chit draw along with the ability to try and alter the draw is what makes the 1st day challenging and variable.  


That being said, the game suffers some of the same problems all Gettysburg games suffer in days 2 and 3.  There are a lot of units, both sides are very strong, and it is essentially a stalemate.  I find that in the opening turns of Day 2, there is still a feel of a good game going, with the South having an opportunity and the North just weak enough to make it exciting.  But unless heavy losses are inflicted quickly, the game tends to bog down into a game where the South is pressured to win (since I interpret the rules to mean that if you play past day 1, the only kind of victory available for the South is a Major victory by Defeating the Union through 50% losses).  The South no longer has any kind of positional or strength advantage by the second half of Day 2, so after that, it is a matter of attacking and hoping to out-roll the Union.   Now, that is still an enjoyable process, especially since the game moves fairly quickly even once all of the forces are on the board.  And the arrival of the cavalry on Day 3 adds a touch that most games do not have.


Toning down and getting rid of unit Recovery could help with this.  Day 1 saw heavy Union losses, twice as many as the South took.  After day 2, both armies were greatly reduced in strength.  But in my games, both armies tend to enter day 3 almost full strength.  That not only means a stalemate, but it makes the idea of the South eliminating 50% of the Union’s infantry almost impossible.


The FoE rules are more difficult to use in this game.  That is due to the density of pieces and the busy terrain on the map – there are many slopes and slices of woods all over the place.  So every unit on the front has to measure its LOS to see if and where it extends a FoE.  And measuring can be difficult when the terrain is well-covered with units.  I am not sure if there is a solution – but any kind of streamlining to make the process easier would help.


But overall I like this game, and I certainly would prefer it to any of the more complex games out there.  Relatively few units, simple rules, variable command system, and a game that can be completed while covering all 3 days (most Gettysburg games simply cannot be completed in a reasonable amount of time, if at all!).  I would say this adds a new take on a well-covered subject.

