Waterloo is now in play testing! These are the first crude pix in it’s first, very rough draft state for testing. Many changes to come before final release.
My son’s jaw dropped open when he walked in and saw this on the dinning room table. He described it as ‘Epic’. -and he doesn’t even like or play wargames. As a junior in highschool, life is all about Rugby and girls right now.
First question is, how do these colors look? Especially the Anglo – Dutch Army. Is anything wrong? Should some of the colors be different? Please let us know if we have any glaring mistakes.
These are the pix of the adjoining engagement at Wavre:
Right now the biggest design question is: Should we release these with maps at this size as two different battles? I’d really like to see 2 huge maps of the region that fit perfectly together. So you could fight both together. Heck, you might not even fight at Waterloo. As Napoleon, I’d really like to shift rapidly to the right and get in between the Brits and the Prussians. Likely a foolish endeavor but I like to be able to try things like that. If nothing else, then I discover why that is a really bad idea right?
The issue is that this approach will take much longer to work up graphics for. Huge maps will also drive up the price. I don’t know. Maybe the Emperor is worth it.
Let us know what you think below!