Gettysburg Launch!

Ok, we are ready to launch!  Our Kickstarter should be ready to go in about an hour.  You’ve been pre warned.  🙂

This will be a very short and quick Kickstarter.  -like Waterloo.  If you want to get in, move quickly.  It won’t last long.  

If you miss it, no worries.  We’ll get a page up soon for Pre Orders.  

If all goes well, we should be ready to start shipping in a few weeks in the order we receive them.  


Antietam Reserves

We introduced our rules for HQ Reserve cards in Antietam.  It was a great rule that took things in a great direction.  This is my favorite rule of the whole system!


What you see on the board.

It was a great improvement and start.  Since then we have been able to use them in other battles.  This experience has given us a better understanding of exactly what they do and how the work the best.

Note other HQs and even whole Corps can be held in Reserve.

Given all this, we are altering our lineup for HQ Res cards in Antietam.  This update is easy to implement.  All you need to do is take out some of your cards and trash em!


The New games are going to come with only 3 cards per side as follows:

  • Lee, Longstreet, Jackson
  • McClellan, Hooker, Burnside


This is one of those strange cases where less is more.  Most of the Federal Corps are small.  Many only have a couple of divisions.  If every Corps has a Res card, they become diluted and ironically have less of an impact.  We have found that 3 per side here work much better. 


What the Feds see.

Note that you CAN put other Corps in Reserve!  So this makes it much harder for the ANV to read exactly where the Potomac is and what their true intention is.  Where are there reserve Corps?  How many left?  You don’t know until they march out. 


What the Rebs have.

Give it a try!  We think you’ll like the effect much better.   

Waterloo Epic

Waterloo is now in play testing!  These are the first crude pix in it’s first, very rough draft state for testing.  Many changes to come before final release.

My son’s jaw dropped open when he walked in and saw this on the dinning room table.  He described it as ‘Epic’.  -and he doesn’t even like or play wargames.  As a junior in highschool, life is all about Rugby and girls right now.

First question is, how do these colors look?  Especially the Anglo – Dutch Army.  Is anything wrong?  Should some of the colors be different?  Please let us know if we have any glaring mistakes.





These are the pix of the adjoining engagement at Wavre:


Right now the biggest design question is:  Should we release these with maps at this size as two different battles?  I’d really like to see 2 huge maps of the region that fit perfectly together.  So you could fight both together.  Heck, you might not even fight at Waterloo.  As Napoleon, I’d really like to shift rapidly to the right and get in between the Brits and the Prussians.  Likely a foolish endeavor but I like to be able to try things like that.  If nothing else, then I discover why that is a really bad idea right?

The issue is that this approach will take much longer to work up graphics for.  Huge maps will also drive up the price.  I don’t know.  Maybe the Emperor is worth it.


Let us know what you think below!










Supremacy Terrain

This is just a graphics test.  We’d like to get some feedback before we continue down this road. 

What do you guys think?  Too busy?  Too cluttered?  Look good?  Love, like, hate?


Let us know in comments below. 

We have rules for weather zones as well.  I’m afraid if we super impose weather over the top of this, it would really get confusing.  Any ideas?

By the way, we made some major breakthroughs finally on the Cyber Deck / Unconventional War expansion yesterday.  The rough draft rules should be finished today.  I expect this Expansion will be done and released soon!  

As it turns out, this was also the last piece we needed to make the 80’s Cold War edition work right.  I’m expecting this to be done and released soon as well.  Right now, we are seeing this as an expansion map and scenario.  We think the same deck and pieces will work, so you won’t have to buy a whole new game to get a whole new game.  That’s always nice.  =)