Here is a fun little example of a Kriegsspiel problem / situation. What would you do if you were in command here?
Civil War era. Operational scale. Each block represents a Division of about 5,000 men. You are in the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia.
The Army of Northern Virginia has been marching NW for several days. The Army of the Potomac is reportedly to the NW and is moving in your direction. You are closing with the enemy and a battle is soon expected. Comparative strength is unknown.
The Army of Northern Virginia is divided into roughly 3 equal Corps. You are in command of Jackson’s II Corps. You are in the center. Longstreet is to your left. Hill is to your right. Those little flag / HQ cubes mark your best guess as to where your friendly columns are currently. You have marched for 3 days at a leisurely but steady pace: 5 miles per day, then stopping to forage the area for supplies and setting up camp for the night.
You have marched 5 miles today since dawn. It is now mid morning. You have just halted the column and are preparing to send out foragers when you hear a fight break out to the SW of your position: musket and canon fire. This is likely in the vicinity of Longstreet’s Corps which is about a 2-3 miles away. This is the first contact with the enemy.

Map ahead. Enemy is expected to be approaching from the NW or upper left. Your LOC runs back to the SE.
Lee’s HQ is about 2-3 miles east of you. What do you do? What are your orders?
What are the options? What is the best move here? Why? Keep in mind that the clock is ticking. Every minute you spend thinking and writing, delays your troops response.
Comment below.
Do you need more information? Have questions? Ask! I’ll provide Umpire answers. 🙂
Send two divisions to the sound of the guns. Send word to Generals Lee and Hill. Notify Longstreet you are sending two divisions, ask where he wants them.
Begin surveying the area for defensible terrain, in case the federals are present in greater strength than anticipated. Be ready to order the preparation of defenses, or to march the rest of your corps to Longstreet’s aid.
You can see the terrain on the 3rd pix down. Looks like some good high ground to the front.
Would you rush forward and try to seize those hills before the Feds get there?
First, I would need a copy of that map!
Second, I will get back to you on that.
Map is on there. That is the 3rd picture down. If you double click on it, you should be able to expand it. -depending on your browser.
Lol. No I need that map at my house. I need to own it.
lol… Oh. Yes, it is a great map! We are using it to pattern our graphics after.
We have this set to KS campaign scale – 64,000:1 It is high enough res that we can zoom it in and set it to regular scale – 8,000:1
We were thinking of offering them in paper as Kriegsspiel maps you can buy. We’d like to add a little color to the water and woods first.
Can’t wait the map looks great.
1) I would send Advanced Guard to take the Key Terrain(High Ground) followed by the Corps Main body. 2) Send situation report to Lee to inform him of my intentions. 3) Send message to Longstreet of my present position.
1) You would march up there without orders?
Yes, this is Stonewall Jackson Corps and Lee would expect me to take the initiative in this situation. Longstreet’s looks like He is involved in a meeting engagement as a Union Corps or two has bumped into Longstreet with Longstreet on the high ground. The Union would not chose to engage with a height disadvantage I doubt they would do that. This engagement is unexpected on the Union side.