Marengo Q&A
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I don’t see Marsh on the Terrain Effects?
Correct. The marsh areas are very small on this map. Just ignore them.
Can pieces start in Road Column?
The Austrians can. The French cannot.
French reinforcements can enter already in Road Column.
Is this a river crossing to the north?
Yes! There were 4-6 ferries at this location. The road from the west also goes through Monte Castello and connects to the crossing point: dotted line.
Can units that move across a buildings that cover more than 50% of the unit move through while remaining Fresh?
Yes, as long as you don’t stop there. We figure they would march down different streets and reform on the other side.
Do cavalry units attacking spent infantry defending in buildings still get the +1 modifier on their dice?
No. Good question. This modifier is for Cavalry running down disorganized and loosely formed infantry in the open. In Buildings, the infantry is under cover.
Can artillery shoot through units of its own side?
If you are trying to change the order of the chit draws and you fail, is there any penalty, or do you just go ahead with your move.
Are there any hills on the Marengo map, its certainly not obvious that there are any?
Yes, you can see through and ‘shoot over’ friendly units, not enemy units. -Unless you are up on a hill and can see over them somehow.
There is 1 big hill. It is about in the center of the map. The north tip of it stars just E of Castel-ceriolo. It extends south from there.
The ‘benefit’ of a Building seems dubious – since the occupying unit is Spent (and can’t Rally), it is Eliminated on just 2 hits (5 or 6) out of 3 dice. For a similar Fresh unit in the open to be Eliminated on 3 hits (4, 5, or 6) on all 3 dice, which is worse odds than in the Building (thus in the open is safer!
I can see an Ineffective unit wanting to occupy a Building (since the Command can’t Rally), but otherwise why occupy a Building at all (especially when there are no terrain objective VP’s in the game)?
Perhaps a unit in a Building should ignore the first hit, just as if it were Elite (no additional effect for actual Elite units), what do you think?
Interesting system/game by the way, it has my full attention!
Another thought is that units in Buildings can’t be Flanked.
Hi. I have Marengo. Very nice game, very beautiful map.
Question : instead moving, the artillery can fire. Does it mean that the artillery can fire during the mouvement phase ?
Yes, exactly! So you can bombard and hopefully flip the enemy, THEN move your infantry up to attack. Hopefully you can do this before the enemy can rally their spent troops.
Are marshes still ignored for Marengo with the 2.5 rules?
I dont find that rule for the cavalry units attacking spent infantry +1 modifier . Could you tell me in which page/section is that?
This is in the Scenario rules. Page 3, Cavalry Modifiers
Hello! There is an information in the Standart rules about the Battalion Scale roules in Kriegspiel-style. Is this available for Marengo scenario? Thank you!
Yes! You can use regular kriegsspiel blocks for that in any battle. I can send you a pdf of the rules for free. Just send me an email!
Hi! Thank ypu. I`ve sent your an email.