Make your moves with these custom Command Sticks. Yes, they actually work great! Scaled for Kriegsspiel but use in any game.
Get one scaled to Pub Battles here.
“Ha! I loved these when I first saw them. Sure they look cool, but you can’t actually use them to play a game? It would be too hard to control for moving pieces, right?
Well, there’s one way to find out. I tested them.
Boy was I surprised. I won’t play without them now. Soooooo much better. No problem moving pieces around. If you need to be precise, the trick is to hold the handle like a pencil rather than a sword. Fantastic!”
There are lots of handy little features packed into this stick:
- Set to 100 paces for 8,000:1 Kriegsspiel scale.
- Common Infantry & Cavalry speeds marked for marching and attacking in action. (trot & gallop)
- The moving block is sized to easily slide lines and stacks of 4 half battalion blocks at once, without dumping them all over!
- The short end of the block is approximately the range bracket for artillery shots.
- The long end of the block is approximately the range bracket for 6lb ricochet.
- Place the block flag down in front of an enemy piece while you move to easily see canister fire range.
- Use them as a back stop to roll dice against, so they don’t roll off the table.
- Makes an excellent pointer while doing a presentation.
- Very fun & intimidating to point at your opponent while speaking to them during a game. =)
- Cat approved. Be careful they don’t get chewed up!
Some Assembly Required
- 1 Handle
- 1 End Block
- 1 Handle scale sticker
- 1 Flag sticker
Does NOT include wood glue. You’ll need a few drops.
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