Fortuna -Game Cards Deck
Fortuna -Supremacy Expansion
News, Rumors and Acts of God
Supremacy Fortuna Card Deck List
What was the original deck? How many cards? What were they? There were 4 decks in all. As a reference for fans, here is a complete list. Click on the link below to download spreadsheet.
Is there going to be a new Fortuna Deck?
Many of the old expansions for Supremacy were what we call ‘band-aid’ rules. Band-aid rules are an attempt to fix problems with the game. Unfortunately, they don’t address the fundamental problem. They fix some things while breaking others. Mostly they just add new layers of complexity.
Our primary effort here has been to set a solid foundation. Make sure it works. As a result, many of the old expansions are simply unnecessary. Fortuna falls into this category. This expansion was mostly designed to ‘fix the market’ but the market works great now. It has it’s own natural ebbs and flows. Crashes and spikes. It accurately reflects the forces of supply and demand.
That said, there are still some really interesting ideas here: Labor strikes, Market impacts +/-, Warlord/Pirate tribute or revolts, earthquakes, typhoons. We are starting to look into this now.
Do hurricanes really destroy Navies? Meteor Strikes? Plague outbreak kills Armies? This seems pretty far out there. We are looking more into Minor Power effects: Coups, Revolutions, Civil Wars, Minors seizing Company Cards or demanding taxes for them.
What else could we do with this? Have any ideas, concerns or comments? Let us know! Send us and email.
While Fortuna was a partial fix to the market system, it was also tied into the Tech supplement, particularly the Enviornmental Weapons. The trick to Enviornmental Weapons was that one could never be sure it was nature or an opponent, sort of plausible deniability nukes.
It also had the effect of opening up players to unexpected exploitation.
I don’t know that it works in your lightning round version. Certainly the biblical destruction/upheaval every phase is questionable.
I would tend to go with once a turn, either at the end, or randomly during just one phase.