The Game Starts Too Slow!
This is a common misconception among new players. It can seem that way sometimes. “What’s taking so long?! We’ve been at this for an hour and we haven’t even gotten through turn 1 yet!” Don’t be deceived. There is actually a lot going on.
First of all, keep in mind that this game moves slow in terms of ‘turns’ but it moves very quickly in terms of action. Wars typically break out on turn 1. Be ready! These will escalate to total global war by turn 2. Often times the game is over by turn 3. The turns may be long but there usually aren’t very many of them. Make sure every turn counts!
Secondly, new players often think of the game in terms of the phases: Salaries, Trade, Attack Build. Those are land marks along the way. The real game is: DIPLOMACY. Always keep that in mind. Diplomacy should always be top priority.
To start a new game we first roll and select Superpowers. Who do you play? This can be a critical decision. Who picked first? Who picks behind you? Which Superpowers are already picked or are likely not to be picked? Your choice here has huge ramifications. Players often start bickering and negotiating while they are selecting Superpowers.
Next we deal cards. Here we go. Now the tension already starts heating up. Players can already seize cards or threaten to. Alliances are made. Enemies are made. The foundation for the coming war is already being established! Diplomacy can go on for awhile here. Bluffing, threatening, deal making, alliance forming, etc.
After all this, players start setting up forces. This introduces a whole new host of conflicts and problems. Where do you place your navies? If you put one there, you can blockade me. Now I have to put one there. I thought you were going to be peaceful? Why are you putting armies on my boarder? Now I’m going to have to put armies there. Do you plan to invade? Can I really trust you?
This can easily take 30 min to an hour and we haven’t even started turn 1 yet!!!! How long does this game take anyways? New players are often in a rush to grind through the phases. Actually, the game has started. This is the game. You are ‘playing’ it. Remember? The game is DIPLOMACY!
This phase is not written into the turn sequence. Diplomacy is ongoing throughout the game. If it was written in, it would look like this:
Roll to see who selects a Superpower first.
First player picks a superpower.
2nd player picks
Deal out cards
Setup forces
Diplomacy, Diplomacy, Diplomacy.
Pay salaries
Diplomacy, Diplomacy, Diplomacy.
Private Trades
You get the idea. The more the better. Rather than being in a rush to grind through phases, sit back and enjoy the psychological jousting. It’s crucial. You may be out maneuvered and in trouble before you even get to turn 1! You may have already lost.